
In conclusion, the most challenging aspects of this journey, was finding out that I really was not communicating well. I did not differentiate between formal and informal communication, whether it being written or verbal. However, I was already aware on how to communicate with others of differing cultural backgrounds, as I grew up in a very multicultural neighborhood. I also did not know the difference between empathy and sympathy, as I had previously though they were the same thing. The most rewarding aspects of my journey, was that I was able to learn so much about communication and how it would relate to my chosen profession of speech pathology. I now have an overall idea on how I would communicate with clients, how I would resolve conflicts as well as handle cultural barriers. Three things I have learnt in this unit and I plan on implementing in my daily life are; the use of effective body language, I now know that my confidence can be seen in my body language therefore I will use effective body language in order for me to better express myself. Secondly being empathic instead of sympathetic and thirdly how to understand how someone else is feeling by understanding their body language.