Management styles and Communication conflict

There are three types of management styles passive, assertive and aggressive. Passive, is when one agrees to everything without expressing their own ideas. Aggressive, is when anger is often expressed throughout management in order achieve one’s goals. Assertive is when one expresses their management style calmly and orderly in order to achieve their goal. Communication conflicts can occur when, there is a language barrier or when one comes off as more aggressive than necessary.

I would avoid communication conflicts by always being aware of what I am saying and how I am saying it, as well as always having an interpreter in sessions where my client doesn’t speak my language, or having one of the clients family members accompany them, who do speak English, in order for them to translate for me. If I keep a calm assertive management style then I believe that I will be able to better accommodate my clients, as I would speak calmly and get my point across effectively, and if I make sure there are no communication conflicts then I will be able to successfully treat my clients.

I found this Youtube video about how to reduce conflict very effective as it made note of how to deal with conflict when it arises.